The home of the world’s best flair routines…

Have you discovered our YouTube Channel yet? As a fan of flair, we would expect the answer is a resounding, YES! However, just in case, here are a few reasons why it is worth checking out!

The Top 6 Roadhouse Grand Final Routines from 2018 onwards

Everyone knows that The Roadhouse, as the longest-running and most prestigious flair bartending competition in the world, is the one competition that everyone wants to win at least once! It is by far the most technically demanding flair bartending competition and a win in this event proves to the world that you aren’t just a good flair bartender but the best flair bartender – with emphasis on the bartender part! One mistake, one drop, and even some of the world’s best bartenders have seen potential victory slip through their fingers.

The level of competition is so high, that only an almost perfect routine will do. That is why people flock to the Roadhouse year on year, it is a chance to see the world’s best battle it out with some outrageous routines. Each routine from the Top 6 has bags of replay value and where can you do this, right here on the WFA YoutTube Channel:

All the WFA Grading Videos

From Yellow to Orange, Green to Blue – watch the legend Tom Dyer walk you through the examination routines for completing the different WFA Grades (in real-time and in slow-motion). As more bars and organisations adopt the WFA Grading system, it is increasingly becoming a recognised stamp of skill in the world of bartending. Not only does it test your flair skill but also your bartending knowledge and drink making abilities.

Here is the highest grade you can achieve without competing, WFA Blue:

Interviews with some of the worlds top flair bartenders

From Giorgio Chiarello to Marek Posluszny, Tom Dyer and Ravi Camadoo talk to some of the most accomplished names in flair bartending giving you an insight into how they train, their everyday attitude to practice, competitions and more:

And so much more…

From all the routines at the Cambridge Cocktail Weekend Finals to the performances from the Pyramide Flair Contest in Montpellier, France. There is a lot more to see on the WFA Youtube Channel.

All that is left to do is to hit that SUBSCRIBE button and make sure that when something new comes out, you don’t miss it!

Head over to the channel here: