“An exciting new competition format that challenges bartenders across four key disciplines”
“It brings the ‘product experience’ back to the heart of where flair bartending started more than 150 years ago”

Bartenders will race head to head on a selection of 10 different pours. A clean or perfect round will result in a score of zero. For each discrepancy a penalty is score is applied. The penalties acquired by a bartender during this round are totaled and converted into time (a number of seconds) which are added to their total time for the round and carried through to the speed round.
Bartenders are required to produce a selection of drinks as fast as possible whilst maintaining perfect drink quality and a clean working environment. The bartenders will again race one on one starting at different times according to any time penalties carried over from the first round.
Only the top 10 bartenders with the quickest time at the end of the speed round will progress to the craft flair round.
Bartenders will be judged not only on their own original cocktail recipe, but their presentation, craft flair skills and technique.
i + (m*f) = pe
Only the top 6 bartenders from the craft flair round will have opportunity to compete in this round.
We are looking for a specific move or technique used to make your drink.
Some previous examples are:
- The Banana Pour (pouring multiple drinks at once). This move is already performed by many bartenders world wide.
- Slicing fruit mid air – Performed by Nicholas St Jean
- Throwing of flaming liquid – Blue Blazer Cocktail – Performed by Jerry Thomas over 100 years ago
- Cracking eggs mid air using a spatula- Performed by Nick Hancock.
Your product experience should be something which will be associated with the making of your cocktail, so that when a customer orders your cocktail, they will expect to have that experience each time the drink is made.