We are proud to annouce the Gaeta Passion Flair Competition will be on the 2017 WFA Grand Slam
More info will be coming very soon…
While you’re waiting check out their website: http://www.gaetapassionflair.it/web/index.php/gaeta-passion-flair
and Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/PassionFlairBartender/
Gaeta Flair Passion Rules 2017
Event Details
Map Unavailable
Date/Time 19/05/2017 @ All Day
Spaces 5 of 33 remaining.
Please complete the form below to reserve your spot
Registration is currently closed for this event.
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Hi Vincenzo, the registration will open soon on the WFA website.
Hi guys, do we have some info about the rules? Thank you.
Hey Luca, rules are coming this week. Sorry for the delay.
Thanks Andy and Tom, see you brothers
Hey guys and girls.
There has been a small update to the rules.
The speed opening will now be with 4 bottles and not 2 bottles.
Hey, Guys! I have a question about rules:
Can we use Jack Daniels in our mystery bottles for exebition flair?
HI Slava, it is Skyy Vodka that needs to be used in your exhibition flair bottles please. We updated the rules with this:
“QUALIFICATION ROUND – During the qualification round, bartenders
MUST use a bottle of Skyy Vodka for at least one move and pour at
least 1/4oz. Bartenders can use their OWN bottles for the rest of the
skyy vodka.”
I hope that helps. Let me know if there is anything else you need to know?
Ok, cool! It means in the final same with Bacardi, wright?
No. In the final you make your own creation cocktail so you can use the ingredients for YOUR cocktails in your own bottles. Bacardi will stay in Bacardi bottles.
Please remember in the qualification round, that you still must pour from the Skyy Vodka bottle.
we need to flair 10% with the sky vodka and jack Daniel’s? And then we can choose which the tecnique working or exibition for the 2 drinks?
You flair 10% with ANY of the bottles. But you MUST make a move with ALL sponsors. So if you want to flair 10% of your routine with just SKyy, that’s ok. But you must make a move with JD and the other sponsors as well.