WFA Blue Grade

WFA Blue Grade

This is an assessed Grade, awarded to those who successfully complete a Blue Grade Test. Assessed Grades are earned in sequence from Yellow through to Blue. To earn an Assessed Grade, a bartender will need to complete a Grading Test online or at an accredited Grading Center.

WFA Green Grade

WFA Green Grade

This is an assessed Grade, awarded to those who successfully complete a Green Grade Test. Assessed Grades are earned in sequence from Yellow through to Blue. To earn an Assessed Grade, a bartender will need to complete a Grading Test online or at an accredited Grading Center.

WFA Orange Grade

WFA Orange Grade

This is an assessed Grade, awarded to those who successfully complete an Orange Grade Test. Assessed Grades are earned in sequence from Yellow through to Blue. To earn an Assessed Grade, a bartender will need to complete a Grading Test online or at an accredited Grading Center.

WFA Yellow Grade

WFA Yellow Grade

This is an assessed Grade, awarded to those who successfully complete a Yellow Grade Test. Assessed Grades are earned in sequence from Yellow through to Blue. To earn an Assessed Grade, a bartender will need to complete a Grading Test online or at an accredited Grading Center.

WFA White Grade

WFA White Grade

When you join the WFA, create a profile and add your profile picture – you will automatically earn your white grading level and you will be able to interact with all the other members and start your journey into professional bartending. It’s fun and it’s FREE!