
WFA Gradings in Denmark

WFA Gradings in Denmark

Inspired by his own experience learning flair bartending at Flair Camp 2013, Mathias Daa Lofquist has gone on to create his own flair bartending infrastructure in Denmark; allowing Denmark’s bartenders somewhere to socialise, train and further their bartending skill set with classes and WFA Gradings. We spoke to Mathias to discover his journey up until […]

Barstylez Big Match World Bartender Championship, the newest addition to the WFA Grand Slam Calendar

Barstylez Big Match World Bartender Championship, the newest addition to the WFA Grand Slam Calendar

That’s right ladies and gentleman, the world renowned Barstylez Big Match World Bartender Championship from this year (2018) will officially be a WFA Grand Slam event, which means points, points, points! And of course in true WFA Grand Slam fashion the Big Match will also have some tasty cash prizes up for grabs, as well […]